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It's that time again! The new 1.3 update

It's that time again for the Andromeda Inc website to update again. Unlike most of our updates we are organising the whole look and design of the website. Here are all of the updates:

  1. New subpages added to the Andromeda Photography page that organise our pictures

  2. New contact page for business enquires only

  3. Most pages have a different background image then the same one across all the pages

  4. All lightboxes removed

  5. Terms and conditions updated to work with the new update

  6. "Members" and "My Account" pages are now subpages

  7. Menu bar changed

  8. Our most viewed video moved on homepage

These are the new features coming to the website. For new information or to view our guidelines click here. The update will happen on the 2/3/22 (AEDT). If you guys have any ideas on how to make the Andromeda Inc website better please let us know! To suggest any ideas please put in the chat box. Thanks guys.

New Contact Info page

Dropdown pages on menu (not just for Andromeda Photography page)


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1 коментар

Reuben Hogan
Reuben Hogan
16 лют. 2022 р.

Cant wait. looks really cool

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